Thursday, August 18, 2011

Like No One Is Watching

as though no one is watching you,
as though you have never been hurt before,
as though no one can hear you,
as though heaven is on earth.
- souza

This has always been my favorite quote.  It reminds me that I shouldn't get caught up in what I or others think is right, but to focus instead on what brings me joy.  The fact that I often dance in my living room and hope, okay pray, that no one is watching has little to do with it!

There is a certain freedom that comes from connecting to your body and expressing that connection through dance.  I especially love to twirl.  The spinning around and around, faster and faster until I get so dizzy I'm almost sick brings me back to the carefree mindset of childhood better than anything else.  I find that I am not alone in the joy and inspiration I get from dance.

I was recently introduced to a photographer, Jillian Milam, who was a dancer in her former life and still loves the grace and effortlessness that dancers bring to movement.  Her recent fine art photograph entitled Dance Like You Mean It ( ) absolutely captures my sentiments about dancing.  Jillian got into photography during grade school and has been capturing the world on film ever since.  You can see her passion for photography yourself online at

So, take a page from two Jillians this week!  Find some music that you absolutely love.  You know those songs that you can't help dancing discretely to in your chair!  Blast it over your iPod speakers, or if you're technologically challenged like me over your boom box, clear some space and let loose in your living room.  You just might find a little bit of joy, a little bit of freedom and some artistic inspiration.

Don't worry!  Even if someone does happen to see you their laughter just means they were caught up in your passion for life!

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